February where did you go? I’m living with this question on my mind for the last couple of weeks.
It seems like the time becomes ten time faster, while my pace — twenty times slower. I do a lot of things but even more of them remain undone, my to-do list nomadizes from one day to another and it makes me feel very out of tune. If I lived in Ukraine now I could probably write it off to the cold and lack of sun, but there’re no such excuses here in San Francisco even though we’ve experienced pretty heavy rains this winter.
I need to come up with the plan how to overcome blues. I think morning pages, daily exercises, time spent with friends, a jar of delicious pana cotta will help me feel more connected and grounded. Wait, pana cotta?! How come this idea got on this list? Oh, is it me licking the spoon now? Weird. But great. Mmm, I like it! It tastes great! And maybe I’m not fully in zen after eating it, I definitely feel happier now 🙂
Yogurt pana cotta is one’s heaven on the Earth! It’s light, creamy and… dreamy. It makes you satisfied without feeling heavy. It’s super easy and quick to make. And its appearance is instagram-worthy 😉
Makes 5 medium-size jars
For the pana cotta:
7 g gelatine
42 g cold water
500 g heavy cream
70 g sugar
250 g yogurt
1 vanilla pod
Soak gelatine in a cold water for 5-7 minutes. In a large saucepan heat heavy cream, sugar, vanilla seeds (among with a pod) to boil. Remove the pan from the heat and take away the pod. Microwave gelatine for a couple of secs, just so it liquifies, and add it to the cream mixture. Stir well until gelatine fully dissolves. Add yogurt and give mixture a good stir.
Pour pana cotta into glass jars and let it sit for 20 minutes at the room temperature. After that refrigerate pana cotta for at least 4 hours or overnight.
For the caramelized pears:
1 pear, peeled and cubed
15 g butter
30 g brown sugar
In a heavy pan place butter and brown sugar and heat them over medium heat until mixture begins to bubble. Add pear cubes and cook for 2-3 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the pan and cool the mixture down.
When ready to serve, place caramelized pears over pana cotta and enjoy immediately 😉
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